
PIPEDRIVE >> linkport


LinkPort is a free and efficient LinkedIn-to-Pipedrive contact importer designed to streamline the process of populating LinkedIn contact details into CRMUP’s Pipedrive CRM. With LinkPort, sales teams can seamlessly transfer contact details such as name, email, phone, and organization from LinkedIn to Pipedrive with just a single click, without ever leaving LinkedIn.

Key Benefits of LinkPort for CRMUP’s Pipedrive

  • One-Click Import: Easily import LinkedIn contacts into Pipedrive with just one click, enhancing your CRM’s database quickly and efficiently.
  • Unlimited Imports: Add an unlimited number of LinkedIn contacts to Pipedrive, ensuring your sales team has all the necessary data at their fingertips.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Eliminate the need to switch back and forth between LinkedIn and Pipedrive, saving time and reducing manual effort.
  • No More Manual Entry: Avoid the tedious task of copy-pasting contact information from LinkedIn to Pipedrive.

Setup and Installation

  1. Chrome Extension Installation:
    • Add the LinkPort Chrome Extension from the Chrome Web Store to integrate directly with LinkedIn.
  2. LinkPort Account Setup:
    • Sign up to LinkPort using your CRMUP’s Pipedrive account credentials to sync both platforms.
  3. Importing Contacts:
    • Navigate to LinkedIn, where you’ll see an ‘Add to Pipedrive’ button next to LinkedIn contacts.
    • Click this button to automatically fill in the contact details and import them directly into Pipedrive.

By integrating LinkPort with CRMUP’s Pipedrive, sales teams can significantly enhance their efficiency and productivity, focusing more on engagement and less on administrative tasks. This tool is essential for anyone looking to maximize their use of LinkedIn for sales prospecting and relationship management.


Chat with us today!

Contact us to get a free consultation for LinkPort CRM integration services!